Love Lyrics & Poems
February 15th - 6:00 pm

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Application for Membership

– Single or married person joining individually, without spouse, significant other or another member of the same household. Persons joining as Individual members may not bring spouses, significant others or other members of the same household as guest to Club functions more than twice per year, if the spouse or significant other or member of the same household could qualify for membership. Initiation fee of $50 plus annual dues of $125.

COUPLES – Married persons or single person in a relationship with a significant other, joining together. Both persons must meet the eligibility requirements set forth above. Initiation fee of $50 plus annual dues of $250.

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Initiation fees and initial dues must be paid in full at the time the application is approved. Dues for new members are prorated by month. Thereafter, annual dues must be paid by January 31 of each year. Members who do not re-join for a period of at least two (2) years must pay a new Initiation fee.

If joining as a Couple, please list all persons applying for membership and at least one email address to receive club news and Evites.

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Fill out this if a couple and both want to receive nesletters and invitations

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By completing this form, all applicants agree to be bound and governed by bylaws and rules of the Club.

Please select your preference for payment. If you choose pay online, you will receive an invoice by email and you can pay it electronically. If you choose to write a check, make it payable to: Avondale Community Club and mail to:

Avondale Community Club
P.O. Box 591
Avondale estates, GA 30002

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