Love Lyrics & Poems
February 15th - 6:00 pm

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Revised and approved by the ACC Board of Directors on and effective March 3, 2020

Article 1
Name and Address

The name of the organization is the Avondale Community Club, Inc. (“Club”).

The address of the Club is 59 Lakeshore Drive, P.O. Box 591, Avondale Estates, Georgia 30002.

Article 2
Structure of the Organization

The Club is organized as a non-profit corporation, duly incorporated on March 1, 1989, in the State of Georgia, as provided for in the Georgia Non-Profit Corporations Act (O.C.G.A. Title 14-3).

Article 3
Purposes & Objectives of the Club

The Club is organized for the following purposes and objectives:

1. to operate a private Club for the pleasure and social recreation of its members, who must meet the eligibility requirements as set forth in these bylaws;
2. to offer the Club facilities for rental to the general public who meet the rental qualifications and requirements as determined by the Board of Directors of the Club;
3. to participate in various charitable and civic activities for the benefit of Club members, the residents of Avondale Estates and the general public, as determined by the Board;
4. for any other purposes permitted under the Georgia Non-Profit Corporations Act (O.C.G.A. Title 14-3)

This is the first page of the the Bylaws.  Please click here to downlaod the entire document.